She's a fun model to draw. Not a fantastic night but I got a couple of sketches I like. Post those soon. Until then, have a wonderful and safe Memorial Day weekend.
I'll start posting everything again starting Friday, good... bad... or ugly. Sketch shaming may work for me, we'll see.
We had a shortened gesture drawing session last night and this is (thankfully) all that came of it. After nearly 14 months without life drawing it was humbling to pick up the conte and charcoal and get my butt kicked. I could blame my own stupidity and say that leaving my drawing supplies in my studio and using what I could scrounge at the school. But truthfully it was so much time off that made it a fun yet painful evening. Looking forward to next week and the coming weeks.
Let's get back to work. With a few simple restrictions (masks, social distancing, hand washing) in place, MSU-B is letting us resume our normal Thursday night sessions. So looking forward to this. Drawing from life is infinitely better than working from photographs.