Sunday, February 28, 2010

More Five Minute sketches

I was really happy with the top piece as I was drawing, but it kind of became just an average drawing (again).  The second piece was starting to come together but I just don't draw as fast as I used to.  Five minutes just isn't enough time to really get what I want out of a pose.  I hope I have a few where I was able to adjust my technique to the time constraints.  We'll see.

Saturday, February 27, 2010

Just back

A simple pose for her first time.  I liked the tilt of the head and the cast shadows.  However, most of the drawings for the evening were five minutes.  Not a lot of time to get a detailed sketches.  

Friday, February 26, 2010

Gestures from a new model

  Two big "Thank You"s go out to a couple of our models.  First, thank you to our new model, Sarah, for doing such a great job the first time modeling.  We really appreciate it and I know that there were a lot of great drawings done.
  Second, thank you to Amber for recommending Sarah to our group.  We appreciate her keeping an eye out for people who can help us out.  This was the second time Amber has gotten us in touch with a new model.
  As for the drawings, well, they're gestures.  What else is there to say.  Tomorrow I'll get into the drawings from the evening.

Thursday, February 25, 2010

Last call

The final drawing from the night could have been quite good.  The sharp angle of the hip caught most of my attention as well as the shoulder and arms.  I gave the head minimal attention as it was just too much pose for the time allotted.  Familiar plaint, I know.  But I wanted to try a couple of full figure drawings this time and that is the risk I take.  

Wednesday, February 24, 2010

Favorite of the night

I really wish I could have gotten further into this drawing.  I love the way the hair falls on the top of the pillow, very "Gibson Girl" like.  The way the torso turns away from the head and seems to flow onto the platform.  Even the depth created by the pillow around the neck and just cupping the ear.  I would very much like to have Amber take this pose again for an extended time and see if I could make something truly worthwhile out of it.

Tuesday, February 23, 2010

Twos-day's sketches

The top piece was pulled from a great gesture pose.  Unfortunately, when it became a longer pose all of the freshness seemed to be missing.  I still love the pose, I just need to figure out how to make it work for me.  The bottom drawing is, well, a head shot.

Monday, February 22, 2010

nine, ten... ready or not

I can't put my finger on why the first drawing doesn't work but I just don't like it.  I think that if I had the time to finish the legs it would have been better but it never flowed like the pose.  As for the second drawing, well... it's a typical drawing.  I like it better than the standing pose.  Happy Monday, y'all.

Sunday, February 21, 2010


I was really enjoying this piece when I started to realize I had misplaced a few lines.  This led to the drawing becoming a learning exercise rather than a nice piece I could possibly try to sell.  Hence the short shrift I gave the head.  The shoulders and arms were particularly intriguing to me and I was looking forward to the hands when I noticed the lines for the right leg were not spotted accurately.  Live and learn.

Saturday, February 20, 2010

Ten minute study...

that became four minutes.  Unfortunately, I was pulled away twice on this drawing to deal with "administrative" duties.  Kinda threw me off for a lot of the evening.  However, I was happy with some of the marks I put down and didn't have time to over draw.

Friday, February 19, 2010

Another week, another set of gestures

What can I say, they're gestures. Amber takes great poses and we had her take one from the first sheet for five minutes later in the session.

Thursday, February 18, 2010

Now hold on a moment

  I know I said that a previous sketch was my favorite, but (no pun intended) I'm pretty partial to the back shot above.  There is some fun line work and the pose has a great feel to it.  The languid stance and the beautiful feeling of mass really appeal to me.  The last drawing of the night had a lot of potential but, alas, I tried for the face with little time left and, well, it didn't work out the way I had hoped.
  Anyhow, we reconvene tonight and I hope to have a new set of drawings to talk about.  Thanks to those who check out this little blog, I'll continue to try and bring you something worth looking at.

Wednesday, February 17, 2010

A couple more

Both of these had potential, especially the prone sketch.  I was really feeling good about that one and it just didn't pull together to my satisfaction.  Still, there are things I like about both pieces and I believe I learned a bit from them.

Tuesday, February 16, 2010

At last

... an image I am happy with.  Again, I went with big shapes and shadows.  Again, I left out the face.  This time I incorporated some of the background, not just a cast shadow, to give the figure some weight and connection.  I am pleased with pretty much the whole piece.

Monday, February 15, 2010


and faceless. I don't know what happened at this session but I just wasn't getting as far along in the drawings as I would have liked. Maybe too much searching for just the right line, or maybe I'm just going blind and am having a hard time seeing the information I used to.

Sunday, February 14, 2010


  This one just wasn't coming together.  Damn you, Henry, and that stick you so desperately love.  I really want the drawings with the stick to work out because they tend to remind me of Frazetta.
  When I can't get a drawing to work but still have too much time to just sit it out, I try to grab another medium to work over the drawing to show my mistakes, maybe teach myself something.  I ran some terra cotta conté over the ebony conté I was using to try and tighten up some of my problems.  Unfortunately, I have far too many problems to fix with a little red drawing medium.

Saturday, February 13, 2010

Less finesse...

but more oomph.  Using the side of the conté more aggressively certainly produces it's own results.  I kind of like the look.  With 16 people (not counting the model) packing the room I kind of had a different mindset.  As the week wears on, let's see if that stayed the case.

Thursday, February 11, 2010

Finishing up last weeks sketches

The top piece is probably my favorite from the evening.  The bottom piece was starting to come along but just didn't have the same feel as the previous.  Her languid figure, however, really brings out the possibilities in any drawing and I hope to have more from this model soon.

Wednesday, February 10, 2010

Loose interpretation

I just had a terrible time with her likeness last week. But I like the figure well enough. A bit more time & I would have been happier but I probably would have lost the spontaneity of the line work. A lost opportunity.

Tuesday, February 9, 2010


one I am pleased with. I really had fun with the scapulas and the left arm. The elbow really caught my attention and I'm actually happy with the unfinished hand.

Monday, February 8, 2010

A bit better

I started getting a more into the session now and I think my sketches began to show just that. Of course, that's just my opinion. We'll wait and see how the rest of the week turns out.

Sunday, February 7, 2010

Loose head study

Just a quick, non representative head study.  This in no way resembles the model.  Sometimes you just miss the mark.  

Saturday, February 6, 2010

Adequate but...

just not right.  Hey, first drawing of the evening.  There are a few better to come.

Friday, February 5, 2010

Last night, I didn't get to sleep at all...

all, aaaalllllll. Okay, I did, but I just felt like singing. So sue me. Anyhow, here is the gesture page from last evening. Great job from Amber, as usual.

Thursday, February 4, 2010

Let's close last Thursday out, shall we?

Really struggled with the head study.  It got all twisted out of proportion.  Eh, it happens.  The back sketch to end the night was coming along nicely, but... well, you know the old song.  Well, a new batch tomorrow.  See you then.

Wednesday, February 3, 2010

A couple more

I kept the loose style going with the next couple of the drawings, gradually tightening up a bit.  Not worrying whether I was going to get the details all in helped with the second half of the drawings.

Tuesday, February 2, 2010

Similar pose...

better result.  Looser approach gave me more freedom which, I believe, led to a better drawing.  I probably had more fun with this sketch than with the previous one.  

Monday, February 1, 2010

Good start...

but I just didn't care for how this one finished up. Yeah, like it's the drawings fault.