I've been a fan of The Shadow since I was a kid. Over time I have done pieces here and there but this is the first time I've tried an "original" cover painting. I'm sticking to the classic George Rozen version, lifting many of the tropes that he used over the many covers he did. I'm using his "Creeping Death" and "The Book of Death" figure of Death and the dual lighting technique on The Shadow's face. I deviated with some of the treatment The Shadow's cloak as I looked at how Leyendecker rendered folds in fabric. I like how that turned out. I still have modeling to do on the skull and skeletal fingers. I'll be laying dark washes over the background and the desktop, leaving the blue light alone. I'll be dropping some text on the paper in a classic code used in one of the original novels.
This has been a lot of fun to do. Since it's not a recreation where I know when I've reached the end I'll have to figure out when to stop on this and call it good. Difficult with any piece of art.