Monday, May 9, 2016


Let me take a moment and say a little something about loss.  Yesterday, Mother's Day, we lost our 11 year old Scottish Terrier, McDuff.  He was a constant companion to my wife and I and his unexpected death made me think of how we should (cliche as it may be) not take any one, or day, for granted.  Enjoy and make as much of each moment we have while we are in that moment.  This comes home harder to me than I think it would have normally since about three hours after finding my dog in the morning I received a phone call letting me know that my Aunt Janice had passed from cancer.  Although I had been in contact with her I was unaware of her illness.  She was the last link to my father, a man I never knew as he died before I was 4 years old.  The sense of loss is deep and I regret not having asked more questions, learned more about my aunt although I felt I knew her fairly well.  Still, it makes me realize that once someone is gone there is nothing I can do to learn more, feel more, from that person.  I hope I can learn from this and make the most of the time I have left with the people I care most about.

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