Tuesday, June 30, 2009


This is from those long ago days I spoke of yesterday.  Jenny was a terrific model that helped out our group for quite a long time.  We wish her well as she pursues her own artistic path.

Monday, June 29, 2009

Back to the drawing... ah, you know what's coming

An older drawing from the days before The Black Hand Group.  We used to meet on Monday nights at MSU-B, formerly and fondly known as Eastern Montana College.  A local model ran what was called the Drawing Co-Op out of the life drawing studio at the campus.  Sadly the program ran down for a variety of reasons but it brought a lot of us together for the first time.  After we began drawing at the Nicholas Gallery on Thursday nights it seemed to hurt the Monday sessions.  There were a few of us who attended both.  I have to say I miss having that much live drawing during the week.  Alas, all good things must come to an end.

Sunday, June 28, 2009

Color Sunday

Another piece from one of our painting sessions.  I have tried to finish it in the studio but have never been happy with certain parts.  I'll get back to it at some point, I know, but for now this is where I've left it.

Saturday, June 27, 2009

Color Saturday

  I have a penchant for studies.  I have always been drawn to the unfinished work of artists, my own work included.  There is just something about seeing the underpinnings of art that I really enjoy.  Today's piece is one such example.  I could have gone in and easily finished this but there is something immediate about the manner in which it exists right now that I find more interesting than it being finished.  Ironically I guess that means it is finished.  Maybe one day I'll ramble on in an attempt to understand what is finished art and whether it has more merit than a study.  

Friday, June 26, 2009

The Return of Thursday night drawing...Huzzah!

  There was a decent turnout for our Black Hand Group last night and despite not having enough paper to work with (thanks for bailing me out, Dennis) it turned out to be a good evening of drawing.  Thanks go out to Sara, our model, who always does a great job. 

Thursday, June 25, 2009

Thursday Life Drawing Returns

  We resume our regular schedule tonight.
  I created a new blog for The Black Hand Group yesterday.  Anyone who wants to check and see if there are any cancellations or special sessions can log on and keep up to date.

Wednesday, June 24, 2009


I've done a lot of drawings in the reclined position but I never tire of the dynamic tension of the body in a position such as this.  The knees, hips and ribcage all give me so much to work with and the dramatic lighting helps create a human landscape.  I always think of the desert with its shifting sands and dunes when I am drawing an image like this.

Monday, June 22, 2009

Another Monday

We were lucky to have Stephanie as our model yesterday.  We've only had her for the long painting sessions in the past but she really took to the shorter poses.  Since we had been without life drawing for quite some time this Sunday gathering was nice.  We will resume this Thursday with our normal time and place.

Saturday, June 20, 2009

Color Saturday

If we had only known, would we have been as caught up in the Great Home Run Race?  Oh Hank, art thou?

Friday, June 19, 2009


I always thought this looked like Gandhi.  This model sat for us a couple of times and then moved on.  Last I saw of him he was hitching his way out of town a few years back.  

Thursday, June 18, 2009

Another empty Thursday

No Black Hand Group again.  This really messes with my head.  At least we have Sunday this week.  As for the drawing, just another old piece.  I'll get around to photographing some of the newer stuff this weekend.  

Wednesday, June 17, 2009

With a Rebel Yell

We really benefitted from this model's hobby of collecting military gear from the many wars that our country was a part of .  Again, we have a piece from the Civil War with Frank dressed as a rebel marksman.  The character of his face coupled with the costume and gun made for some wonderful images.  I wish we could get him to sit for us again but he seems to have disappeared.  Enjoy.

Tuesday, June 16, 2009

Odd little sketch

Every now and again you get the strange situation that one can only smile about and go with.  This drawing came from one of those sessions.  Our model showed up with his daschund, not really what we were expecting but as it turned out it gave us an opportunity to draw something we weren't prepared for.  Now animals aren't always the most accommodating of sitters but this little guy did pretty well.  I'm not sure if the drawings were anything to write home about but sometimes you've got to say "So What".  It was fun.

Monday, June 15, 2009


Back to some of the nudes from the Black Hand Group.  I love the look of conté crayon, especially terra cotta.  It is fun to work with although not as versatile as charcoal but it has a very nice look to it.  

Sunday, June 14, 2009

Color Sunday

A final sports related painting.  Back when LeMond ruled American cycling.  Except for some unfortunate events he could have been one of the greatest champions in Tour history.  C'est la vie.

Saturday, June 13, 2009

Color Saturday

Iron Mike.  Whatever you think of him, he sure was exciting to watch work.  The man sure could make the sweet science a lot sweeter.  

Friday, June 12, 2009


No drawing last night so we'll go with the old stuff again.

Thursday, June 11, 2009

Black Thursday

  No Black Hand Group tonight.  Our space, generously donated by the Yellowstone Art Museum, is being used for the next two Thursday evenings.  This always puts a crimp into my mental state.  Alas, at least I have a Sunday (June 21) session scheduled to help fill the void.

Wednesday, June 10, 2009

Wednesday portrait

Another older piece.  There's just something about the serenity in her expression that has always made me partial to this one.

Tuesday, June 9, 2009

Three guesses

This model was one of the ones we had for too brief a time.  He left for tryouts with the Chicago Bears soon after this.  The above image is the only decent drawing I got from the session.  

Monday, June 8, 2009

I don't like Mondays...

... but I have always liked this drawing.  Cody was an excellent model for us back when we used to meet at MSU-B, the local university here.  She was great to work with and I usually got some very nice drawings from our sessions.  
  It's always hard when a good model moves on whether they just lose their feel for the job, move away or have outside influences.  When you find someone, and our group has had many wonderful models over the years, to see them go (or usually, just never see them again after the last session) is very difficult.  You get comfortable with them and the art usually reflects an understanding of the particular individual rather than a mannequin like representation of the subject.  
  I guess it is like any relationship, enjoy it while it lasts because one never knows when the end is coming.

Sunday, June 7, 2009

Color Sunday... Gold & Black

I've never been a hockey fan (my apologies to those that are) but the images are wonderful to work with.  I did this about the same time as yesterdays piece along with a couple more that I will put up next weekend.  With Pittsburgh vying for the Stanley Cup, down 3 game to 2 I thought a little Super Mario might help them bring a matching title to the city with the Super Bowl champions.  
  I've always felt sports created the best drama which lend themselves to some of the best images.  At the time, I was working in watercolour and tried to use the medium to show action and sweat and the elegance of the athlete.  Whether I was successful or not is up to the individual. 

Saturday, June 6, 2009

Color Saturday... Purple & Gold

I became a Lakers fan when Kareem left the Bucks for L. A. way back when.  Then along came Magic and the Showtime era was on.  This was a little watercolor I did a long time ago.  Still a Lakers fan but not the rabid nutcase I used to be.  I don't know if it is age, the change in the NBA or my ulcer but I can now enjoy the game for what it is, a game.

Friday, June 5, 2009

Thursday Night at the YAM

Here are the sketches from the Black Hand Group session last night.  M is always a great model to work with.  When you get to draw someone often over a long period of time I feel the comfort level is reflected in the art.  You may notice I posted some gestures  this time.  I love gesture work and hope to have a session of nothing but gesture drawings.  Sounds freeing.  I   also tried a little experiment with white conté crayon on black paper.  Mostly just because I had one more sheet of it in my portfolio.  Always fun to think in the negative.  However, if you ask most people who know me that is pretty much where I think most of the time.

Thursday, June 4, 2009

Thursday Drawing

Tonight we meet for our weekly figure session at the YAM.  Our model tonight has been with us from the start, going all the way back to our days at the Nicholas Art Gallery.  A moment of silence for the nicest gallery in Billings, if not the state.  It certainly rivaled anything in Jackson Hole, WY, the closest art mecca we have.  The Nicholas introduced me to Wilhelm Kuhnert, one of my favorite artists.  It is also where I met most of my local art friends, a lot of whom are hanging in my gallery.  Although the Nicholas is gone it is not forgotten.

Wednesday, June 3, 2009

Wednesday's Drawing

  Another from the archives.  I have a good friend who owns some incredible artwork by some incredible artists, not to mention his own.  My favorite piece is a head study by  Harvey Dunn, my favorite artist from the Brandywine School.  For those of you not familiar with that group, do yourselves a favor and look them up.  N. C. Wyeth, Dunn, Frank Schoonover and others being taught by Howard Pyle.  Wow.
  Anyhow, this drawing reminds me, in mood, of that beautiful little head study that hangs on the hallway wall of my friends home.  I hope one day to reach the level of that drawing. 

Tuesday, June 2, 2009

Tuesday's Drawing

Another older drawing.  I realize that in recent years I've been concentrating on shorter poses and haven't gotten a lot of good head studies.  Sometimes you get into a rut or even convince yourself that there is a reason to have changed, but eventually you need to step back and make the choice to go forward with your best effort.  It can be so easy to just float along with good rather than trying for great.  Art is a tangible item that can influence people for generations.  I know, I'm still inspired by artwork, done by the famous and the unknown, that was created hundreds of years ago.  Even thousands of years.  The goal isn't to be known, it is to leave an indelible mark.  Can't do that if the effort is only half assed. 

Monday, June 1, 2009

Mondays drawing

This is a drawing from some time back.  It's hard for me to grasp that the year 2000 was nearly ten years ago.  Just gettin' old, I guess.  Anyway, a friend of mine owns this particular drawing and I often wish I had it back.  At least it is appreciated and not sitting in my flat file.  Enjoy.