Friday, July 31, 2009

Black Hand Group drawings

Erin was back for a second week in a row and I think it shows.  When I get comfortable with the model I am much more free in my drawings.  I believe it is reflected in last night's work.  

Thursday, July 30, 2009

A change

I've been posting females almost exclusively recently so I thought I would change it up.  I've always been partial to the sketches that have more than one pose on them, showing the artist's desire to get to the heart of the drawing rather than worry about a "pretty picture".  I believe Al Buell, an old time pin up artist, actually turned that concept into his calendar work.  Granted it was designed that way but it makes for a fun image.

Wednesday, July 29, 2009

Another sketch

Just biding my time until tomorrow night.  We will be having Erin again.  I really like having the same model a few times in a row so that I can really get into a flow.  Erin is terrific at taking difficult poses and making them work, with ease.  (The sketch today is not Erin, however.  I know, random)

Tuesday, July 28, 2009

Tuesday makes it all better

 Yesterday was my mother in law's 80th birthday party.  She was given a very nice painting by my friend Dennis Boyd that she has coveted since laying eyes on it a couple of months ago.  She's very happy and was quite surprised to receive the gift.
  I have roughed out the layout for the upcoming cover design to the Billings Studio Theatre cover.  I will be spending some time completing that project and then moving on to the Pin-Up project I have been quite excited about.  Fun stuff ahead that should keep me busy and motivated.
  As for the drawing posted, just a back shot that has nothing to do with this post.  If you've been checking in with me you have probably guessed that the images are often random.  Like me...

Monday, July 27, 2009

Ugh, Monday

mumble grumble.  What else is there to say?

Sunday, July 26, 2009

Color Sunday

An older color sketch from the Nicholas days.  I've always been partial to this little painting so I'll share it today.

Saturday, July 25, 2009

Color Saturday

My granddaughter in oil.  Unfinished, as my wife reminds constantly reminds me.  Sigh, what can I say.

Friday, July 24, 2009

Some drawings from last night's session...

with the Black Hand Group. I tried compressed pastels last night. I got nuthin' else today. Just a big thank you to our model, Erin. She always does a fabulous job. Enjoy.

Thursday, July 23, 2009

Looking ahead to the next one hundred posts

My 101st day as a blogger and my 100th post. Hmm, maybe I'll tackle health care reform in my next hundred days...
Anyhow, to those that stop by, thanks. I know this is really just a vanity site but it makes me feel somewhat validated that a few people find it worth their time to see what I have done. As I've said previously, I hope that I will begin to show some serious work in the coming months. Roughs, color studies, works in progress and finished pieces. I also hope to introduce a new weekly feature. Still in the planning stages but something I want done right.
Again, thank you for stopping in and lurking about. Don't worry, I do the same thing.

Wednesday, July 22, 2009

Wednesday's child is full of grace

I know, that's not how it goes but she sure doesn't look full of woe.

Tuesday, July 21, 2009

Jealousy rages through my veins...

... as pal o' mine Russ gets ready to fly away to Comic Con.  Next year, my friend, next year.
Seriously, I will be previewing the work I plan on taking to San Diego next July over the course of this and next year.  Feedback from anyone who checks in on me through this blog would be welcome so that I can put a reasonable product out there.
On another note, I will be doing the Billings Studio Theatre program for the fifth year.  This year I have about four weeks to get the job done instead of what seemed like hours last year.  Thank you, Eric.  Should be fun.

Monday, July 20, 2009


Another Monday.  Wish I were going to San Diego.  I can wait a year but I won't like it.  yeah, yeah, woe is me.  Just Monday talkin'.

Sunday, July 19, 2009

Color Sunday

I don't think I am even awake yet.  Here's a little sketch from a studio session.

Saturday, July 18, 2009

Color (sketch) Saturday

This was a short sketch done at the same time as the previous oil of Erin.  Not nearly enough time.  Speaking of color, I just added a bit to the "Catwoman" legs I posted a couple of days ago.  Russ transferred the drawing to a grey base and added a "tooth" so that I could drop a little hue to the image.  I'll post the image at another point, maybe next weekend to celebrate the 40th anniversary of San Diego Comic Con.

Thursday, July 16, 2009

Aaaaaaaahhhhhhhhh, Thursday

Drawing tonight. Yippee
On a different note, Stephanie and I went to a Mustangs game last night, courtesy of Butch. We had seats directly behind home plate. The 'Stangs gave up a run in the ninth due to a bad call at the plate and had to go an extra inning before winning the contest by a count of 6 to 5. This was the first time we had been to the new ballpark since it opened last year. In fact it was the first game my wife had seen. All in all, it was a great time except for the food. Both of our orders were cold, and since it wasn't beer it wasn't what we wanted. Other than that, it was fun.

Wednesday, July 15, 2009

Sneak Peek

My good friend Russ, illustrator extraordinaire, and I are doing a portfolio for the comic convention in San Diego.  Our first two pieces are going to serve as a preview for the project which will be ready for next years Comic Con. This is my teaser piece.

Tuesday, July 14, 2009


Sometimes you are presented with a wonderful pose that is gives one the opportunity to forget that you have a figure in front of you and are just presented with some interesting shapes and angles.  Erin often gives us these challenges and I know that I am usually quite surprised by the outcome.  Poses like this are the reason I find figure drawing endlessly intriguing.  

Monday, July 13, 2009

A look at my studio

This is my little hole where I am supposed to sequester myself and do work.  With several easels, two tables, lots of books, places to relax and a fridge, it really is a wonderful spot to create in.  I just need to be in it more.

Sunday, July 12, 2009

Color Sunday

Another oil sketch from one of our Sunday sessions.

Saturday, July 11, 2009

Color Saturday

I'm going to have to start painting again if I intend to keep up this color weekend thing.  Anyhow, here is one from a session in my studio.  More than a sketch, less than a finished piece.  

Friday, July 10, 2009

Another Thursday, another weekend not quite here

 A big thanks to Amber, our model last night.  We had a good group with a new face dropping in.  It always seems like my weekend should start after Thursday.  Too many Red Stripes.   

Thursday, July 9, 2009

Ah, Thursday...

the best day of the week.  The Black Hand Group returns tonight.  If only the weekend began tomorrow...

Wednesday, July 8, 2009


Another faceless drawing.  I tend to think of these as my nod to Venus de Milo or Winged Victory.  Okay, maybe not but that's my story and I'm stickin' to it!

Tuesday, July 7, 2009


Surprise!  Another drawing.  By now you should have figured out that drawings are what this is mostly about.   I used to obsess over finishing the head first and then moving onto the figure but it seems in recent years I have gone about it the other way.  I think it comes down to what happens to be more interesting in the pose since I don't seem to be as compelled to make a complete piece at all costs.  I'm having fun exploring my line again and when I run out of time, well, it's time to move on.

Monday, July 6, 2009

The long goodbye

It's always tough to see a long weekend or vacation come to an end.  Alas, Monday is upon us again and we must drag ourselves back to where ever we call work and start all over again.  Unless you happen to work for a school district, then it is late mornings and long breakfasts and days filled with skipping through the wildflowers.  You know who you are...

Sunday, July 5, 2009

The other attempt at egg tempera

There are things I like about this piece but overall I prefer yesterdays painting.  I hope to someday get back to trying this technique again.

Saturday, July 4, 2009

Color Saturday

Several years ago I experimented with egg tempera.  I am a great fan of Andrew Wyeth's artwork and felt a need to try and work with his preferred medium.  Tedious but fascinating technique.  I only did two pieces, the second one I will post tomorrow.  This was my first.  

Friday, July 3, 2009

Last night

Some images from last night.