Wednesday, September 30, 2009
Better, me thinks
Black Hand Group,
Yellowstone Art Museum
Tuesday, September 29, 2009
Monday, September 28, 2009
Sunday, September 27, 2009
Just being a lazy @$$
Thanks to my oldest and bestest pal, Russ (illustrator extraordinaire whom you've seen mentioned in these august virtual pages before) I found out that anyone can just mess with your online life and make things tremendously (and ridiculously) difficult. Let's just say that the genius' that work for and run the domains must idolize Mr. Myxlplyx. Enough said on that cryptic subject.
I am not really pleased with the results of last weeks drawing session yet I will post them anyway. Much of my dismay probably stems from the fact that I hate wasting a good model's poses with mediocre renderings. I am blaming this on the fact that I missed a week while indulging in Las Vegas so I am a bit rusty (although that is truly stretching it). Well, here is the second offering from the other night. I'm not sure what was going through my head but the result was not what I was after. I became enamored with the hand and I think I was trying too hard to simplify the shapes. I guess I am going to have to return to the basics such as measuring since I seem to be rushing to the finish. Back to the Steve Huston article to put my head right.
Friday, September 25, 2009
can be so frustrating. Of the ten gesture poses last night these are the only two that were worth a spit. I believe I forgot how to draw the gesture for a few minutes. Sheesh. A week off, a trip to Vegas and everything spirals down the toilet. Go figure.
Anyhow, I did settle down and found the essence and at least got two out of the deal. As for the rest of the night, batting about the same. I'll go into that as the week goes on.
Thursday, September 24, 2009
The heavy shadows, the weight of the breasts laying on the weight of the belly all supported by the hips and buttocks. The obvious strength of the shoulders and manner in which the head and neck slightly strain forward. The simplistic manner of rendering the face making sure the eye isn't distracted from the mass of the figure. Hmm... I guess I kinda like this one. Why I had it separated from the rest of the pieces is a mystery to me.
Wednesday, September 23, 2009
Another collage... sort of
This is another of those pages with multiple images that I always find so interesting. Just a series of small, insignificant drawings that serve only as a means to further my understanding of the model. This was done long ago at the former Nicholas Gallery here in Billings. Sigh, many of us really miss that gallery.
figurative drawing,
Nicholas Art Gallery
Tuesday, September 22, 2009
We occasionally use clothed models and this was one of those times. I enjoy the frantic line work to indicate the fabric folds and even the hair. Couple that with the broad strokes of the charcoal to accent and create simple darks makes an interesting drawing for me. There is a lot going on and yet it seems very simplistic with the absence of any extraneous detail to detract from the head, which is the focal point of the sketch. I actually like the black smear at the lower corner as an anchor to the darks of the head and left arm. Often I will leave much of that out, letting the white space become more of a design element.
Black Hand Group,
Yellowstone Art Museum
Monday, September 21, 2009
Something old
A bad day. Sorry for the late post. This is a shot from the past. Not sure when or who the model is but I like the head on this and the general feel of the drawing. I'll try to be a little more introspective tomorrow.
Sunday, September 20, 2009
One last look
Another Sunday, another day in the NFL. Aahhh, it's all good.
Art? Let me dig around and see what I have... one last look at Jeff, appropriately with his back turned. I wasn't all that thrilled with this piece when I finished it but there are some nice bits to it. Well, time to sit down and cheer for Green Bay. Go Pack Go!
Saturday, September 19, 2009
Lessons from Steve
Huston, that is. I recently picked up a copy of Artists Workshop and was reading the article on Steve Huston and gesture drawing. More accurately, how to keep the gesture in the drawing. This sketch is a product of that thought process. I'm reasonably happy with how this was turning out and feel like I reacquainted myself with some of the basics that get lost at times when one is working in familiar territory.
Friday, September 18, 2009
This is odd...
As a person of habits it's strange to sit down at the keyboard and not have a new batch of drawings to post on a Friday. So I'll just finish up with the last batch and see where we go from here.
I started with the hand here and really didn't get much further. This was one of those drawings where I was determined not to let the clock dictate what I put down, hence no head, no right side of the body (save a quick indication of the thigh) and no real work on the torso. Yet I like this drawing and wish I could have done more. Perhaps if I had I wouldn't like it as much. Ever feel that you wish you had done things differently in life but immediately realize if you had you wouldn't be where you are now? This drawing is like that.
Thursday, September 17, 2009
Vegas, Baby
Been hangin' out in Vegas for the International Furniture Market at the World Market Center. Lots of walking around and meetings and looking at cool (and not so cool) furniture and accessories such as lamps and throws and candlesticks and ... zzzzzzzzzzz. Oh, you're still with me? Okay, I was too cheap to pay for wifi in our room and found that I got free wifi at the airport. Alright, on to another drawing. Since I won't be at the Black Hand Group tonight I'll continue with last weeks images. This was one I thought was successful in most aspects. I hope y'all think so to.
Sunday, September 13, 2009
Are you ready for some FOOTBALL!
Ah, the crisp, cool mornings that greet us here in the West as football season descends from above like manna from heaven. Oh sure, college ball has been ramped up already as well as high school but that doesn't spark the excitement of the NFL for me. Probably because I have no ties to a college program and, let's face it, high school was just that, high school. So let the joy that is pro football work it's magic on us as we head full on into the most wonderful time of the year, autumn.
As for the image above... well, it was born out of the interesting twist to the neck and all of the lines and folds that it produced. I probably got a little too caught up in that and left some of the fundamentals on the sidelines (did I mention it's football season?). Go Pack Go!
Saturday, September 12, 2009
Two fer One
Friday, September 11, 2009
The return of the Sculptor
Our model, Jeff, did a great job as always. Let's start with gestures, shall we? I just picked up a magazine with an article on Steve Huston and his take on gesture drawing. With that in mind (I only skimmed the story so far but, big surprise, I looked at the pictures) I tried to look at gesture with a little more thought given to volume. However, with only a minute per pose I think that it will take some time to implement Mr. Huston's lessons.
Thursday, September 10, 2009
The only drawing I was mostly satisfied with. I think the mood one is in really affects the quality of the work. I know it shouldn't but... Anyhoooo, I like the construction of this drawing and the spotting of darks as well as the handling of the vine charcoal.
Wednesday, September 9, 2009
A detour today
Tuesday, September 8, 2009
A little better, methinks
Monday, September 7, 2009
Happy Labor Day.
Sunday, September 6, 2009
Another in the same vein
Saturday, September 5, 2009
Hanging at the Manor
Friday, September 4, 2009
The next session
I had to leave during the gesture phase of our session so this is as close as I got to the gesture page. I don't have much to say today, I'll try to be more informative as the week goes on.
Thursday, September 3, 2009
Last of this session
Another profile. Not much else left to say. I think this one works well enough. New session will post tomorrow.
Wednesday, September 2, 2009
Incomplete head shot
But that's the game, isn't it. When Dave shouts out "Time" the pose ends and we move on. Too bad, this one had potential. Again, I was trying to channel Fechin but, alas, I only hear faint laughter at my attempts. Okay, a little too poetic but you get the idea. There are a few that I will always strive for and Nicolai Fechin pretty much tops the list.
Tomorrow will be the last of this session as I will begin breaking down the next batch of drawings. Thanks for tuning in.
Tuesday, September 1, 2009
Another profile, this time of just the head. I put a little more thought into this drawing and stayed with the style that I am comfortable with. I used Jeremy Lipking's advice and began with the eye and worked my way out. The broad strokes of charcoal blocked in the darks of the hair and the shadow across the face. Line work delineated Sara's distinctive features. I think that this is probably the most successful drawing of the night. It's always satisfying when a drawing or painting or even just a sketch, comes together just right.
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